The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (in English)
by Scott Pfitzinger
- Beatitudes (Third Antiphon) – PDF, mp3
- Trisagion (Holy God) – PDF, mp3
- The Cherubic Hymn – PDF, mp3
- The Eucharistic Prayer (A Mercy of Peace) – PDF, mp3
- The Lord’s Prayer (Our Father) – PDF, mp3
- Receive the Body of Christ – PDF, mp3
If you are interested in sharing any of this music with the music director in your local Orthodox or Eastern Rite Catholic parish or with any choir director, please feel free to print or email these files. I only ask that you let me know if you’re using them in a public way (a service or concert), so I can learn where the music is being used. Thanks!

The Roman Catholic and Orthodox Catholic Churches have been separated for about 1,000 years. In the Orthodox Church, the primary “Sunday service” is called the Divine Liturgy. The liturgy used on most Sundays is the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. I have written some of my own musical settings of parts of this liturgy (similar to Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, and Leontovych) in a way that most Orthodox parish choirs can easily incorporate them on a Sunday. And, like these other composers, the entire chorale can also be performed in a concert setting.
NOTE: The Divine Liturgy is also used in Eastern Catholic services.